The Independent Riot
The Independent Riot
The Craziest True Story You'll Ever Hear (Author Robert Guffey Interview)
Robert Guffey is a well-respected author, researcher, professor, and lecturer at California State University--Long Beach. And today he's going to tell you a completely bonkers and mostly true story, as far as he can deduce, of what happened to an innocent citizen who got on the wrong side of some top-secret military contractors in the early 2000s.
The true account of "Chameleo" involves stolen military technology so advanced you would think it only exists in science fiction, spies, abuses of the Patriot Act, and a heroin addict who is either being "gang-stalked" by a secret faction of the government, or going insane.
(Robert's Account of Chameleo Starts at 5:40)
Robert Guffey is a historical-scholar of conspiracy theories, mostly debunking the ones that don't hold up, which lends all the more credibility, and fascination with the story he's going to tell you today about what happened to his good, life-long friend, Damien.
Robert was so startled by Damien's claims when the events first started transpiring, that he did his own investigative research trying to corroborate the facts, which resulted in writing the non-fiction, and superbly documented, book "Chameleo."
If you've ever randomly wondered if invisibility technology exists, if 'Havana Syndrome' might be real, or the government can read your mind, well... we definitely can't completely answer that for you in this episode, but we can sure give you some more shit to think about.
So sit back, strap in, and listen to the craziest story you'll ever hear that might actually be true, and then consider what the implications are if even part of it is.
You can also find Robert's non-fictional analysis of conspiracy-theories "Cryptoscatology" on Amazon, as well as find his articles debunking conspiracies like Qanon on Salon. Additionally, he's the author of two excellent, genre-bending works of fiction, which you can find on amazon at:
"Bela Lugosi's Dead" ...Part detective story, part Hollywood ghost story, and part pulp adventure novel.
"Widow of the Amputation and Other Weird Crimes"...four novellas that explore the madness of murder through the warped lenses of urban noir, science fiction, horror, and fantasy.
You can even pre-order his upcoming book on Qanon "Operation Mindfuck" now at OR books
Please pick up one or all of his books today! And, if you like fascinating, independent-thinking discussions like this, where we don't shy away from provocative subjects, but try to use logic and reason to find truth, please remember to give the Independent Riot a 5-star rating on whatever podcast players you use.
Thanks, and enjoy!