The Independent Riot
The Independent Riot
Jan 6th... Insurrection, or Manipulated Temper-Tantrum? (Deep Dive with F-Cat)
The date of January 6th is becoming yet another litmus-test topic of loyalty for the red and blue teams in America. Like vaccine mandates, the subject is pushing everyone into zombified Democratic or Republican parroting, while shutting down reasonable debate, or discussion about what the long-term ramifications might be.
Was January 6th 2020 a horrifying, nearly-successful insurrection, organized by a group of murderous white-supremisists? Or, were the disturbing events from that day patriotically justified over a stolen election? Probably neither, right? Because the quickest way to know you've come to a wrong conclusion about anything is to check if it matches too closely with what either CNN or Fox News wants you to believe.
Today’s episode of the Independent Riot is another deep-dive discussion between Jim and F-Cat, recorded on Jan 6th, as they have a couple drinks while discussing whether the events in 2020 were a rebellion master-minded by Trump, or a pathetic case of gullible people being tricked into doing stupid things by the FBI. Hopefully, it sparks some new ways of thinking for you, or at least gives you a laugh.
But before listening, please remember to hit the subscribe button, as we’ve got two fascinating expert-interviews from boundary-breaking independent thinkers coming up in the next week, and you won't want to miss those as they, unlike Jim and Freddy, might actually know what they're talking about.
Thanks for listening!
Videos to Help You Evaluate Jan 6th:
How Deep State has Weaponized Jan 6th by Breaking Points and Glen Greenwald
Jan 6th Insurrection Debunked by Tim Pool, Luke Rudkowski
Timeline of Jan 6th by The Hill
FBI Cover Up on Jan 6th? by Breaking Points
Jan 6th Derangement by Breaking Points
Are We All Being Duped by Jan 6th? by Russel Brands
Articles to Help You Evaluate Jan 6th:
How America is Processing January 6th