The Independent Riot
Deep dives with experts and madmen into life's most interesting topics. If you're an independent-thinker, you've found your home. Not right, not left, just real.
The Independent Riot
What is the Military-Industrial-Complex? (Deep Dive with F-Cat)
Independent Riot
Season 1
Episode 14
This is a deep dive discussion with Freddy "F Cat" Turner about the Military-Industrial Complex. Learn about the military-industrial complex's history, how it works, and what its implications are for the world.
(Discussion starts at 5:40)
You can then also listen to Independent Riot Episode 7 "Exposing the Military-Industrial Complex" for an even more in depth and serious discussion about the subject with author and activist Maj. Danny Sjursen.
In this free-wheeling talk between Jim and Freddy they cover:
- The history of the military industrial complex
- Lobbying and the other industrial complex "iron triangles" like Big Pharma and Oil
- William Hartung "The Prophets of War"
- Wesley Clark 2007 "war is pre-planned"
- The reality of foreign policy being influenced by Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing and others
- Lloyd Austin, Mark Esper, James Mattis, Rex Tillerson, Biden and Trump
- The founding fathers, WWII and how the genie of technology is out of the bottle
- Truman Doctrine, Stalin, Communism Containment
- Terrorism, Nuclear weapons, Pandemics, The Patriot Act
- If "gun running" is all bad, or if there are any beneficial aspects to it?
- The metaverse
- If karma exists for people who thrive in our shady world
- Reincarnation
- One-world religions
- Pokemon... where the hell did it go?
- And much much more...
Please don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and share it with a friend. And check out episode 7 "Exposing the Military Industrial Complex" for even more insight.